“金诺移民”祝贺《北美之声》创办一周年!祝各位朋友新年快乐!电话 647-201-7226
2021年9月27日晚上7点多伦多大学密西沙加学部语言研究系“海外文学与文化”课程邀请著名作家川沙讨论新作《无根世代》(ROOTIESS ERA)。这部著作描述了移民喜怒哀乐,构建中西文化友谊桥梁。
University of Toronto Mississauga
Department of Language Studies
CHI312H5F Chinese Diaspora Literature and Culture
Presents a Talk by a Famous Chinese-Canadian Writer Chuan Sha 川沙
Rootless Era 《无根世代》
Time: 7:00 pm EST September 27, 2021
Place: Zoom
Meeting ID: 853 3340 7742
川沙长篇小说《无根世代》 (中英文介绍) 内容简介:
2015 年夏初,在加拿大排名第一的多伦多大学毕业典礼时,一对万里迢迢从北京飞到多伦多来参加儿子毕业典礼的夫妻,却在隆重的毕业典礼现场见不到儿子的出现,望眼欲穿,男孩子的身影却终是云逸杳遁 …… 悬念从头至尾一步步展开,层层剥茧抽丝,展示了一个 16 岁 远离父母的中国男孩郑雅笠在加拿大经历大学退学、流落寄居国江湖社会,经历错乱离奇的恋爱、陷入绑架、黑社会斡旋、情杀案件、逃回北京、认子归宗、浪子回头,重返大学走向成功,经历爱恨情仇生死跌宕后,浴火重生的经历。过程中,和这个男孩子相关姐弟恋的流落他乡亿万富婆的情感经历,及背后中国商人丈夫陷入官商勾结的离奇死亡, 另一个相继进入其间关系的权贵弃女,以及围绕这个美丽弃女发生的多角恋爱、绑架、情杀迷局。和故事相关的移居地中国退伍军人为报夺妻之恨雇佣职业 杀手,与职业杀手越战军人以及黑山鹰黑社会组织成员之间,为解救被绑架女孩的义举,警察与黑社会之间、博士与偷渡客之间、不同肤色之间、野蛮与文明之间、法与非法之间、民族情感与公义之间,种族偏见、政治异议、文化与宗教冲突与加拿大多元文化政策之间,小说充分展示了文学在时空大尺度包容下所尊崇、秉持和褒扬的人性真善美的天性和正义。
本书是一部规模浩大且富含哲理内容的史诗性的长篇巨著,以客观冷静视角,描写了在 21 世纪前后中国移民在海外的留学和移民生存状态、冲突和奋斗,更以宽广阔 远的文学眼光,表达了太平洋两岸、亚洲和北美洲,西方基督教文明和中国孔孟文化之间碰撞及融合从古至今的现实存在,乃至希冀在遥远的未来,终将走向人类友好和平,共同发展的道路。
《无根世代》是一部 21 世纪初、中国留学生及移民在北美洲加拿大和美国的成长小说,叙述主人公在颠沛流离生离死别的移民生活中,如何努力了解和融入世界的怀抱。小说家川沙 1991 年旅居英国, 1999 年移民加拿大,近30 年的移民生活,以及长期从事长篇小说创作,具有独到深入扎实的生活实践及文学创作经验。川沙在创作《无根世代》之前,于 2004 年在台湾商务印书馆出版长篇小说《阳光》, 2012 年在中国花山文艺出版社出版 90 余万字的大长篇小说《蓝花旗袍》,以及很多中短篇小说,他的作品得到作家莫言、哈金、白桦、赵毅衡、虹影等的极力推荐,更受到广大读者的喜爱和赞许。《无根世代》从加拿大入手,揭开了世界范围内留学生及移民生活灰暗艰辛的一面。小说以四部八卷整整 85 万字篇幅超出一百多个人物的画卷,来对海外移民及留学生活进行述写,是一部迄今为止最大范围内以纯文学方式描写留学移民的灰皮书。其中那些错读误判的生命轨迹、青春的期许、晦暗不明的远方、爱恨交加以及生命为代价惨痛教训的故事,战场上的敌人移民后的患难兄弟,所谓高雅社会的无耻和背信,黑社会中人性的复苏,由此生出的良知和义气,有钱的任性和对人性践踏遭至的报复,那些踏踏实实渐入佳境的底层老实善良人,那些权钱皆贵既傲慢又偏见对世界漫不经心的混世魔王最后跌入噩梦的深渊,那些浪子回头金不换之后奋斗成功的足迹,都经川沙的笔端绘声绘色跃然于纸上。小说并不单纯叙说移民故事,更努力采掬、挖掘及淘洗这些处于移民抵达地发生的精彩故事 —— 这些在中西文化激烈碰撞中迸裂飘散在灰暗角落注定掩埋在历史烟尘的碎片,并试图将这些碎片拼凑出人类跨国跨语种跨太平洋迁徙在互联网 P2P ( Peer to Peer )存在主义点对点时代精神灵魂层面的图像。前车之鉴,后事之师。小说不啻为 21 世纪出国移民留学大潮中,经验教训的 “ 教科书 ” 。固有本小说之副标题谓之曰 “ 留学移民灰皮书 ” 是也!凡此种种,值得每一个移民及留学生、以及正在准备移民和留学的人士仔细阅读,细细品尝,汲取教训,以更宽广深远的时间空间视野,思考人生前路 ……
《无根世代》( ROOTLESS ERA )(上下集)作者:川沙
加拿大西安大略出版社( WESTERN ONTARIO PRESS INC. ) 2019 8 出版
A Brief Introduction
An early summer’s day in 2015 saw a graduation ceremony being held at the University of Toronto, Canada’s top-ranked academic institution. Among the attendees was a Chinese couple who flew in from Beijingto witness the graduation of their son, Zheng Yali. However, when the time came for him to cross the stage, there was no sign of him.
The story behind Zheng’s disappearance unfolded in a harrowing tale of life and death. Zheng left China for Canada alone at the age of 16, and in just a few short years, found himself down-and-out on his luck. He was expelled from university, alienated in a strange and foreign society, kidnapped and tortured as part of his involvement in gang violence, and targeted on the internet in vengeance for his various and pervasive love affairs with women. On the verge of collapse, Zheng managed to find his way home to Beijing. His parents welcomed him with open arms, forgiving all the wrongs he had committed. During this time, he discovered the root of his life. A Rootless Era, a new novel by Chuan Sha, presents the astonishing experience of a once-lost Chinese young man, who, after much miserable wandering, managed to transform himself and achieve unprecedented success in his life.
Many characters lend their voices to this story, adding to the already-rich tapestry of Zheng’s own experience. The interwoven stories focus on Zheng’s life in Canada, including his romantic entanglements, and each character adds to the web of complex and intimate relationships that connect them all: a young man from China; a Chinese billionaire and his beautiful wife; a Chinese veteran; a professional killer in the Vietnam War….
This epic novel exposes the force of justice and the beauty of human nature over conflicts of race, immigration, nationalism, politics, and religion. The reader will experience the grinding struggle that new Chinese immigrants faced at the turn of the century and their tumultuous existence integrating into the western world. A Rootless Era also endeavours to share, quietly and hopefully, that Christianity and Confucianism are steeped in common values, and this can cultivate community between cultures divided by the Pacific Ocean.
Chuan Sha, author of A Rootless Era, was himself an immigrant from the People's Republic of China. He and his family landed in Canada in 1999, eight years after they first immigrated to the United Kingdom. These decades of experience as an immigrant in Europe and Canada have become one of the richest sources in his literary writing.The author’s conflict over his nationalism and identity, woven thematically through his stories, is a unique and painful experience. Chuan Sha has enjoyed popularity in the contemporary overseas Chinese literary community, and his literary achievement is highly spoken of and recommended by well-known writers such as Mo Yan, Ha Jin, Bai Hua, Zhao Yihen and Hong Ying. In addition to his many short stories and plays are his popular novels:
The Sunlight (Novel, published by Taiwan Commercial Press, 2004)
The Lady in the Blue-Flowered Mandarin Gown (Novel, Shanhua Printing House, China, 2012)
“金诺移民”祝贺《北美之声》创办一周年!祝各位朋友新年快乐!电话 647-201-7226
《北美之声》主编陈蓉: 加拿大资深记者,
英女王白金禧奖章(社区杰出贡献奖) 获得者
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