




源自:加拿大公共安全部 新闻发布 2024 年 5 月 20 日 安大略省渥太华

今天,加拿大副总理兼财政部长方慧兰(Chrystia Freeland)阁下、公共安全、民主机制和内政 部长多米尼克·勒布朗(Dominic LeBlanc)阁下、司法部长及总检察长阿里夫·维拉尼(Arif Virani)阁下、创新、科学和工业部长商鹏飞(François-Philippe Champagne)阁下以及交通部 长及魁北克专员巴布罗·罗德里格斯(Pablo Rodriguez)阁下宣布发布《全国打击汽车盗窃行动 计划》。

该行动计划的重点是瓦解、摧毁和起诉参与汽车盗窃的有组织犯罪团伙。它确定了联邦、省和地 区政府及其合作伙伴可根据各自的作用、优先事项和责任实施的各种措施和倡议。它建立在加拿 大政府今年 2 月召开的全国打击汽车盗窃峰会和最近采取的执法行动的基础上,这些行动已导致 数百辆被盗车辆被扣押。

汽车盗窃是一个复杂的问题,需要制造商、保险公司、托运人、执法机构和政府共同努力解决。 每个合作伙伴都要发挥作用。政府认识到汽车盗窃的影响,正在联邦授权范围内在以下方面采取 立即行动:

1. 立法和监管方面的变化,包括对《刑法典》的拟议修订,以对与暴力、有组织犯罪和洗钱 有关联的汽车盗窃行为实施更严厉的处罚;针对拥有和传播为汽车盗窃提供便利的设备的 新罪行;在有证据表明罪犯涉及未满 18 岁的人实施犯罪时,适用于量刑的新加重处罚因 素;以及对《无线电通信法》的修改,以监管用于盗窃汽车的设备。政府已经启动了一项 咨询活动,以收集与使用无线设备盗窃汽车有关的信息。此外,加拿大交通部将审查与防 盗相关的《机动车辆安全条例》并使之现代化,以确保这些条例考虑到威慑和预防汽车盗 窃的技术进步。

2. 在已经开展的共同努力的基础上,加强市、省、联邦和国际警察及海关官员之间的情报/ 信息共享,以支持刑事调查、指控和起诉。这包括加拿大政府通过建立全国政府间汽车盗 窃问题工作组发挥领导作用,以协调行动、监测进展和探索新举措。保持密切的关系以共 享信息,将使加拿大边防检查局能够继续对警方移交的 100%案件采取行动,同时还能根 据自己的情报进行搜查。

3. 通过提高加拿大边境服务局(CBSA)的能力和整合新的目标工具,改进干预措施,使更 多的海运集装箱得到检查。提高我们锁定和搜查海运集装箱的能力将有助于在被盗车辆离 境前将其拦截。


加拿大政府将继续与合作伙伴合作,加大偷车难度;加大将被盗车辆运往港口的难度;锁定并起 诉偷车罪犯;追回港口和铁路货场的被盗车辆。


“我们的社区必须是人们感到安全的地方,是他们愿意生活、工作和养家糊口的地方。我们正在 采取行动,因为家庭安全的社区、企业家愿意开店的社区以及人们愿意投资未来的社区,是为加 拿大人开启更公平未来的关键。”

- 副总理兼财政部长方慧兰(Chrystia Freeland)阁下

“正如二月份召开的全国打击汽车盗窃峰会所强调的那样,汽车盗窃是一个复杂的问题,需要每 个人都拿出解决方案。我们今天发布的《全国打击汽车盗窃行动计划》发出了一个明确的信息-- 我们的政府以及国家执法机构将利用一切可以利用的工具来打击汽车盗窃行为。”

-公共安全、民主机制和内政部长多米尼克·勒布朗(Dominic LeBlanc)阁下

“汽车盗窃不仅会让人们担心自己的腰包,还会让人们对社区充满不安感。我们知道,汽车盗窃 案越来越多,而且在某些地区,这些犯罪变得更加暴力。我们致力于确保对这些犯罪的处罚能够 反映其严重性。正因如此,我们推进了对《刑法典》的修改,为执法部门和检察官提供了更有力 的新工具。”

-司法部长及总检察长阿里夫·维拉尼(Arif Virani)阁下

“打击汽车盗窃需要各级政府、行业领袖和执法部门的通力合作。通过这项国家行动计划,我们 将与合作伙伴携手合作,利用我们所掌握的一切手段来减少我们社区的汽车盗窃案件。”

-创新、科学和工业部长商鹏飞(François-Philippe Champagne)阁下

“打击汽车盗窃需要全员参与。这正是我们与合作伙伴正在做的事情。2024 年预算和今天行动计 划中概述的步骤将有助于保护加拿大人免遭汽车盗窃。”

- 交通部长及魁北克专员巴布罗·罗德里格斯(Pablo Rodriguez)阁下

宣布发布 “包括奥克维尔在内的安大略省各社区都受到了汽车盗窃案激增的严重影响。今天,我们正在采 取更多具体步骤来打击这一现象,其中包括:立法和监管改革、情报共享、检查货运集装箱等。 我们将始终把加拿大人的安全和福祉放在首位。”

-库务委员会主席安妮塔·阿南德(Anita Anand)阁下

“汽车盗窃是布兰普顿社区乃至整个加拿大都非常关注的问题。我们已经开始看到当局和各级政 府之间协调的成果,但我们知道我们需要加倍努力。在全国峰会工作的基础上,我们的《全国打 击汽车盗窃行动计划》采取了全面的方法来解决这一问题,并立即实施行动,如引入更严厉的惩 罚措施、改善信息共享和加强实地干预。在追究参与汽车盗窃的有组织犯罪团伙的责任之前,我 们不会停止行动。”

-多元、包容和残疾人事务部长卡玛尔·凯拉(Kamal Khera)阁下


• 加拿大政府一直在就汽车盗窃问题与业界和其他利益相关方进行接触,其中包括港务局、 铁路和航运公司以及汽车和保险行业,这是我们打击这种犯罪的集体努力的一部分。

• 对汽车盗窃的调查由当地警方领导。加拿大皇家骑警 (RCMP)、安大略省警察、魁北克省 保安局 (Sûreté du Québec) 和加拿大边境服务管理局 (CBSA) 正在组成综合工作队,共同 打击有组织犯罪,包括那些参与盗窃车辆的团伙。

• 迄今为止,加拿大边防局已于 2024 年在货场和港口拦截了 1,205 辆被盗车辆。

• 目前,《刑法典》中有针对机动车辆盗窃犯罪各个阶段的规定。这包括实际盗窃前的犯 罪、实际盗窃、拥有和贩运被盗车辆以及针对犯罪所得的措施。它还包括针对有组织犯罪 的条款和针对盗窃或劫车过程中暴力行为(如攻击或使用武器)的罪行。C-69 法案,即 《2024 年联邦预算执行法案》第 1 号中提出的《刑法典》修正案将为执法部门和检察官 提供更多工具来解决汽车盗窃问题。

• 据信,跨国有组织犯罪集团参与了从加拿大出口被盗车辆的活动,然而,大多数车辆盗窃 案涉及的都是威胁程度较低的团伙,其中以街头暴力团伙最为猖獗。

• 大多数被盗车辆出口的目的地是非洲和中东。有些被盗车辆还留在加拿大,使其他犯罪分 子得以利用这些车辆实施犯罪,并在犯罪后被销毁。


• Budget 2024

• National Action Plan on Combatting Auto Theft

• Backgrounder: National Action on Combatting Auto Theft

• Government of Canada hosts National Summit on Combatting Auto Theft • Statement of Intent on Combatting Auto Theft

• Government of Canada announces federal investment to combat export of stolen vehicles

• Government of Canada announces federal support for auto theft investigations and stolen vehicle recovery

• Government of Canada announces federal support to prevent crime and combat auto theft in Ontario • Government of Canada Announces National Summit on Combatting Auto Theft

• Canada Border Services Agency enforcement action statistics

• 598 Vehicles recovered as a result of Project Vector

• CBSA prevents 72 stolen vehicles from being smuggled out of Port of Montreal

• Criminal Intelligence Service Canada: Summary - Organized Crime Involvement in Vehicle Theft in Canada

• Justice and Public Safety Ministers conclude productive meeting focused on joint priorities


Jean-Sébastien Comeau

Deputy Director of Communications

Office of the Honourable Dominic LeBlanc

Minister of Public Safety, Democratic

Institutions and Intergovernmental Affairs



Media Relations

Public Safety Canada


Government of Canada unveils National Action Plan on Combatting Auto Theft

From: Public Safety Canada

News release

May 20, 2024

Ottawa, Ontario – Today, the Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, the Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Public Safety, Democratic Institutions and Intergovernmental Affairs, the Honourable Arif Virani, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, the Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, and the Honourable Pablo Rodriguez, Minister of Transport and Quebec Lieutenant, announced the release of the National Action Plan on Combatting Auto Theft.

The Action Plan is focused on disrupting, dismantling and prosecuting the organized crime groups involved in auto theft. It identifies various measures and initiatives that can be implemented by the federal, provincial and territorial governments and their partners, in keeping with their respective roles, priorities and responsibilities. It builds on the National Summit on Combatting Auto Theft, convened by the Government of Canada in February, and recent enforcement actions that have led to the seizure of hundreds of stolen vehicles.

Auto theft is a complex problem that requires manufacturers, insurance companies, shippers, law enforcement agencies and governments to work together on solutions. Each partner has a to role play. Recognizing the impact of auto theft, the Government is moving forward with immediate actions that fall within federal authority:

1. Legislative and regulatory changes, including proposed amendments to the Criminal Code, to institute tougher penalties for auto theft with ties to violence, organized crime and money laundering, new offences targeting the possession and distribution of devices that facilitate auto theft, a new aggravating factor applicable at sentencing where there is evidence that an offender involved a person under the age of 18 in the commission of an offence, as well as changes to the Radiocommunication Act to regulate devices used to steal cars, as committed in Budget 2024. The Government has launched a consultation to gather information relating to the use of wireless devices in auto theft. In addition, Transport Canada will review and modernize the Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations related to theft prevention, to ensure they consider technological advancements to deter and prevent auto theft.

2. Intelligence/information sharing enhancements between municipal, provincial, federal and international police and customs officials in support of criminal investigations, charges, and prosecutions, building on joint efforts that are already underway. This includes Government of Canada taking a leadership role through the establishment of a National Intergovernmental Working Group on Auto Theft to coordinate actions, monitor progress and explore new initiatives. Maintaining strong relationships to share information will allow the CBSA to continue acting on 100% of referrals from the police while also conducting searches based on its own intelligence.

3. Intervention improvements that will allow more shipping containers to be examined, through increased capacity at the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and the integration of new targeting tools. Increasing our capacity to target and search shipping containers will contribute to intercepting stolen vehicles before they leave the country.

The National Action Plan will be continuously reviewed and updated to be responsive to this evolving criminal trend. The Government of Canada will continue to work with its partners to make it harder to steal cars; make it harder to move stolen cars to a port; target and prosecute the criminals stealing cars; and recover stolen vehicles in ports and rail yards.


“Our communities must be places where people feel safe—where they want to live, work, and raise a family. We are taking action because communities where families are safe, where entrepreneurs want to set up shop, and where people want to invest in their future, are key to unlocking a fairer future for Canadians."

- The Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance

“As was highlighted during the National Summit to Combat Auto Theft in February, auto theft is a complex issue that requires everybody to come to the table with solutions. The National Action Plan we’re releasing today sends a clear message – our government, as well as our national law enforcement agencies, will use all tools at their disposal to crack down on auto theft.”

- The Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Public Safety, Democratic Institutions and Intergovernmental Affairs “Auto theft not only hits the pocketbook, it makes people feel unsafe. We know that auto thefts are increasing, and in some areas these crimes are becoming more violent. We are committed to ensuring that the penalties for these crimes reflect their severity. This is why we have advanced changes to the Criminal Code that would provide new, stronger tools for enforcement and prosecutors.”

- The Honourable Arif Virani, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada “Cracking down on auto theft requires all hands on deck from all levels of government, industry leaders and law enforcement. Through this national action plan, we are going to work with partners and use all levers at our disposal to reduce car thefts in our communities.”

- The Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry “Combatting auto theft requires an all hands on deck approach. That’s exactly what we’re doing with our partners. Budget 2024 and the steps outlined in today’s action plan will help protect Canadians from auto theft.” - The Honourable Pablo Rodriguez, Minister of Transport and Quebec Lieutenant “Communities across Ontario, including in Oakville, have been disproportionately impacted by the surge in auto theft. Today, we are taking additional concrete steps to combat it, which include: legislative and regulatory changes, intelligence sharing, examining shipping containers, and more. We will always prioritize the safety and well-being of Canadians.“

- The Honourable Anita Anand, President of the Treasury Board “Auto theft is a real concern in the community of Brampton and across Canada. We're starting to see the results of the coordination between authorities and all levels of government, but we know we need to double down on our efforts. Building on the work of the National Summit, our National Action Plan on Combatting Auto Theft takes a comprehensive approach to the issue and implements immediate actions, such as introducing tougher penalties, improving information sharing, and enhancing intervention on the ground. We won't stop until organized crime groups involved in auto theft are held accountable.”

- The Honourable Kamal Khera, Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities

“As Mayor of Brampton, I am acutely aware of the profound negative impact auto theft has on our community. The CBSA’s work to deploy a scanner in the GTA, combined with increased container examinations at the CN intermodal hub in Brampton, marks a significant step forward in our ongoing efforts to combat this pervasive issue. By enhancing our ability to detect and prevent the illegal export of stolen vehicles, we are not only protecting the property of our residents but also disrupting the revenue streams of organized crime. This initiative reflects our commitment to multi-jurisdictional collaboration and the safety of our city. I extend my gratitude to our federal partners for recognizing the urgency of this matter and providing the necessary resources to address it."

- His Worship Patrick Brown, Mayor of Brampton

“Extensive collaboration between partners is key to disrupting and tackling auto theft. The RCMP continues to support its partners by sharing intelligence and information to help locate stolen vehicles and expedite investigations so that criminals are held to account.”

- Michael Duheme, Commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police

“Auto theft is a serious, and increasingly violent crime. Combatting this crime and the organized crime groups that benefit from it is a priority for the CBSA. We are working with local law enforcement to support investigations and prosecutions of organized crime groups. The Agency acts on 100% of referrals received from the police and also conducts searches based on its own intelligence. And we are seeing the results of our work. So far in 2024, we have intercepted over 1,200 stolen vehicles in railyards and marine ports. But there is more to do. The CBSA will support the National Action Plan by expanding our collaboration with local law enforcement and increasing our capacity to target and search shipping containers to continue intercepting stolen vehicles before they leave the country.”

- Erin O'Gorman, President of the Canada Border Services Agency

Quick facts

• The Government of Canada has been engaging with industry and other stakeholders on auto theft, including port authorities, rail and shipping companies, as well as the automotive and insurance industries, as part of our collective effort to combat this crime.

• Investigations into auto theft are led by local police. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), Ontario Provincial Police, Sûreté du Québec and the CBSA are working together in integrated task forces to target organized crime, including those groups involved in stolen vehicles.

• To date, CBSA has intercepted 1,205 stolen vehicles in railyards and ports in 2024.

• The Criminal Code currently has provisions to address motor vehicle theft at all stages of the crime. This includes offences that precede the actual theft, the actual theft, the possession and trafficking in stolen vehicles, and measures that target the proceeds of the crime. It also includes provisions that address organized crime and offences that address violent acts during a theft or carjacking (such as assault, or the use of a weapon). The amendments to the Criminal Code proposed in Bill C-69, the Budget Implementation Act 2024, No. 1 would provide additional tools for law enforcement and prosecutors to address auto theft.

• Transnational organized criminal groups are believed to be involved in the export of stolen vehicles from Canada, however, most vehicle thefts involve lower-level threat groups, with violent street gangs being the most prevalent.

• Most stolen vehicles exported are destined for Africa and the Middle East. Some stolen vehicles also remain in Canada, enabling other crimes to be committed with the vehicles and are destroyed afterwards. Related products

• Budget 2024

• National Action Plan on Combatting Auto Theft

• Backgrounder: National Action on Combatting Auto Theft

• Government of Canada hosts National Summit on Combatting Auto Theft

• Statement of Intent on Combatting Auto Theft

• Government of Canada announces federal investment to combat export of stolen vehicles

• Government of Canada announces federal support for auto theft investigations and stolen vehicle recovery

• Government of Canada announces federal support to prevent crime and combat auto theft in Ontario

• Government of Canada Announces National Summit on Combatting Auto Theft Associated links

• Canada Border Services Agency enforcement action statistics

• 598 Vehicles recovered as a result of Project Vector

• CBSA prevents 72 stolen vehicles from being smuggled out of Port of Montreal

• Criminal Intelligence Service Canada: Summary - Organized Crime Involvement in Vehicle Theft in Canada

• Justice and Public Safety Ministers conclude productive meeting focused on joint priorities


Jean-Sébastien Comeau

Deputy Director of Communications

Office of the Honourable Dominic LeBlanc

Minister of Public Safety, Democratic

Institutions and Intergovernmental Affairs



Media Relations

Public Safety Canada











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