“2023 专业职业发展论坛与求职见面会”赞助邀请函

“金诺移民”祝贺《北美之声》创办一周年!祝各位朋友新年快乐!电话 647-201-7226

2023 Professional Career Development Forum & Job Fair Sponsorship Invitation  

“2023 专业职业发展论坛与求职见面会”赞助邀请函


         为进一步服务年轻高校校友,留学生,新移民的专业求职和职业发展, 促进用人单位、 高校和求职者的面对面交流,由CCAA,CCEA 和CPAC 联合主办,  7大协会协办,冠名赞助(TBD)的 “2023 Professional Career Development Forum & Job Fair  ”于2023年5月5日在多伦多举办。届时, 本地企业界、 商界、金融界、教育界资深专业人士和媒体单位等将齐聚一堂。

         本次Professional Career Development Forum & Job Fair是继”2022 Professional Career Development Forum & Virtual Job Fair  ”成功基础上的又一次盛会。将邀请用人单位和资深行业专家就各行业发展态势与挑战,就业前景,专业选择,求职技巧,面试准备,职场发展等,开展多层次、全方位的精彩交流活动,资深行业专家将奉上精彩的主题演讲。

“2023 专业职业发展论坛与求职见面会” 信息: 

日期时间:  May 5th 2023 (Friday)  9am-6pm 

地点:  CPAC Conference Hall, 4150 Finch Ave E, Scarborough, ON M1S 3T9

         在整个论坛 Job Fair 期间,将设立用人单位咨询服务台,这是一个与专业前沿进行思想碰撞、与业界精英面对面交流的好机会。我们将在论坛和求职见面会上宣传赞助商, 并在大会的前期线上讲座及后期, 在新闻发布会,多伦多华人各大媒体,公众号,华社微信群予以相应的宣传。 诚挚邀请参与并赞助该活动, 一起共襄盛举,并社区做贡献, 也为您的事业带来更高远长足的大发展。谢谢!


赞助联系方式 (Contact):

  1. 加中经贸文化交流协会执行会长 : Cheng Zeng, Executive President ,CCEA 

Tel : 289-221-6298

Email: zengcheng99@yahoo.ca

  1. CCAA 慈善基金会主席:Bill Ye, Chairman of CCAA Charity Foundation ; 

Email: bill.jun.ye@gmail.com

Tel : 416-301-2614

  1. CPAC 会长:  Ti Wang, President , CPAC                  

Tel : 647-988-3631

Email: ti_wang@msn.com

  1. 加中经贸文化交流协会副 会 长:Xiao Han, Vice President of CCEA, 

Tel : 647-878-9388

  1. 加拿大华人汽车工程师协会执行会长:Thomas Li, Executive President, NACSAE , 

Tel: 905-442-4503


Confederation of Chinese Alumni Associations(CCAA)/加拿大中国高校校友会联合会 

Canada-China Economic Trade & Culture Exchange Promotion Alliance(CCEA)/加中经贸文化交流协会

CPAC / 加拿大中国专业人士协会 


Canadian-Chinese Finance Association/加中金融协会

Association of Chinese Senior IT Professionals/IT资深人协会

Chinese Project Management Professional Association of Canada/加拿大华人项目管理专业协会

North America Chinese Society of Automotive Engineers (Canada) /加拿大华人汽车工程师协会

The Canadian-Chinese Professional Accountants Association/加中专业会计师协会

The Centre for New Immigrant Well-Being /北美华人健康协会

Asia America Innovation Alliance (AAIA)/亚美创新联盟

Organizers Brief Introduction

Confederation of Chinese Alumni Associations 

The Confederation of Chinese Alumni Associations (CCAA, ccaacc.org) was incorporated in the Federal Government of Canada in 2018 as a non-profit organization.  At present, CCAA has 86 university alumni association members and represents more than 20,000 individuals with objectives to provide a platform for subject experts among alumni to exchange, cooperate and contribute at local, national and international levels by promoting and cultivating the spirit of professionalism and volunteerism among alumni and their descendants. 


Canada-China Economic Trade and Culture Exchange Promotion Alliance Introduction

Canada-China Economic Trade and Culture Exchange Promotion Alliance (CCEA)  was incorporated in the Federal Government of Canada in 2013. It is a non-profit, non-religious and non-political organization.   CCEA mission is to serve the society and the people in economic trade and culture sectors. CCEA has organized several international Forums in 2017 and 2018. In 2020-2022, CCEA has successfully organized over 30 seminars by inviting near 150 international and local experts to share knowledge and experience on fighting COVID-19, to present their vison on preparing for future uncertainty, and to serve our local community.  

CPAC (https://cpac-canada.ca/)

CPAC, formerly Chinese Professionals Association of Canada, is a not-for-profit organization serving the community of internationally educated professionals. For nearly three decades, CPAC has been advocating for and assisting immigrant professionals with their credential recognition, cultural integration, licensure, skills upgrading, employment, professional and leadership development, networking and accessing international business opportunities. CPAC has in recent years focused more and more on human rights, equity, diversity, inclusion, anti-racism and other issues important to Asian Canadians, with the goal of achieving the full potential of a diverse and inclusive Canadian society.

2022 Professional Career Forum and Virtual Job Fair Video YouTube Links:

Day 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnZToDrs4dk

Day 2: https://youtu.be/lCQPrlBmPV0

Day 3: https://youtu.be/gk9YlLWPTxU



“金诺移民”祝贺《北美之声》创办一周年!祝各位朋友新年快乐!电话 647-201-7226


《北美之声》主编陈蓉: 加拿大资深记者,

英女王白金禧奖章(社区杰出贡献奖) 获得者



广告推广请加 微信:rosechenlin



美国,加拿大,中国等国的选手分获一二三等奖,GYC 2023《气候变化与世界未来》全球青少年英语论文演讲大赛落幕

